
Set of 12 Mathilde – Mantilles in Calais-Caudry® Lace 8000

Set of 12 triangular-shaped Mathilde Mantilles in Calais-Caudry® lace

0 € HT

Set of 12 triangular-shaped Mathilde Mantilles made in France on Leavers looms

  • Colors: Ivory, White, Black and Black/Silver
  • Dimensions: 110 cm x 50 cm
  • Pattern : Floral
  • Composition: 68% Rayon, 33% Nylon
  • Availability: Batch of 12
  • Maintenance : Dry cleaning

The mantilla is a light veil that appeared in Spain. It was traditionally worn by Catholic women at Mass.

Today, it’s customary to wear a light mantilla on certain occasions for its charm.


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